Must fight this together: Pak PM Imran Khan, ministers express solidarity with India battling Covid-19
Must fight this together: Pak PM Imran Khan, ministers express solidarity with India battling Covid-

اس کے ساتھ مل کر مقابلہ کرنا چاہئے: پاک وزیر اعظم عمران خان ، وزراء نے بھارت سے کوڈ 19 کا مقابلہ کرتے ہوئے اظہار یکجہتی کیا
جب ہندوستان کے لئے امداد کا مطالبہ زور زور سے بڑھا تو ، عمران خان نے ہندوستان میں لوگوں سے اظہار یکجہتی کیا اور کہا کہ کویوڈ 19 کے انفیکشن کے عالمی چیلنج کو مل کر مقابلہ کرنا ہوگ مل کر ا۔
The Pakistani government and its people have expressed solidarity with Indians battling the coronavirus pandemic. With hashtags like #IndiaNeedsOxygen, #PakistanStandsWithIndia, #IndiaFightsCovid trending in Pakistan, there was a growing call from across the border, asking Pakistan PM Imran Khan to help India on Friday.
As the call for assistance to India grew louder, Imran Khan expressed solidarity with people in India and said the global challenge of the Covid-19 infection must be fought together.
Imran Khan said, "I want to express our solidarity with the people of India as they battle a dangerous wave of COVID-19. Our prayers for a speedy recovery go to all those suffering from the pandemic in our neighbourhood & the world. We must fight this global challenge confronting humanity together."
I want to express our solidarity with the people of India as they battle a dangerous wave of COVID-19. Our prayers for a speedy recovery go to all those suffering from the pandemic in our neighbourhood & the world. We must fight this global challenge confronting humanity together
— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) April 24, 2021
Even as Pakistanis have been using various social media platforms to extend support to India, the country itself is facing a severe shortage of oxygen.
In a statement issued by Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) on April 22, all elective surgeries were postponed "indefinitely".
"Due to the heavy load of COVID-19 patients in the Indoor and Emergency Area of the hospital, oxygen pressure has increased manifold. It has been decided that elective/planned surgeries are postponed indefinitely", said the notice issued by Dr, Minhas-us-Siraj, Joint Executive Director at PIMS.
پاکستانی حکومت اور اس کے عوام نے کورونا وائرس وبائی امراض کا مقابلہ کرنے والے ہندوستانیوں سے اظہار یکجہتی کیا ہے۔ جیسے ہیش ٹیگس
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